Saturday, October 27, 2007

I'm on a roll

Clearly, I'm on a roll. Ten atc's in two days. Not that I've been trying to be fast, no, just because I'm usually good for one card per night, maybe in two nights this rare occasion filled me with happiness and contentment.

There is a new Mixed media Monday challenge site, and their first prompt was Vintage Women. I "blame" them for the overall vintage look. Once I had made one, the others just kept coming. I can't show all, some are meant for swaps. But these I can show you, and if you'd like to trade with me, I'd be happy to! Ps. There are more free cards in the posts below...

Fashion Demands / Muodin vaatimukset

Life is Blue (Alakulo)

Silver Wedding Anniversary

Vaaralliset harrastukset (I almost stopped playing soccer after hurting my knee )

The Last Masks - a play in one act

A Room of her Own (Kiinnostus omaan tilaan)

All pictures click for bigger. Thanks for looking!


  1. Upeat kortit, tykkään jokaisesta :)

  2. Ihania kortteja! Josko taas vaihdettaisiin pari?.. :) Tykkäisin noista Fashion demands ja room of her own korteista. Vieläkö löydät jotain vanhoista korteistani, vai haluatko odottaa uusia? - niitä on tehtyinä, laitan pian esille!

  3. Kylläpä Alakulo on hieno, ja myös oma huone -tematiikka uppoaa otolliseen maaperään.
