Monday, October 29, 2007

Wednesday Stampers: Growing old

Off the cuff: My piece is not about how old you are, it's about getting there. Getting to be really old, wise, respected, y'know, stuff. It's a long road. My sentiments go out to the very young, to the adolescent. I'd like to shout: don't give up, don't despair. The world is harsh, the world is unjust, parents should know better but some never do. Just do not give up. Be a better person, a good person, be all you can!

For this challenge I decided to "illustrate" the poetry I've been slowly working on. Hannu Mäkelä of Finland wrote these lines (among others) in 1974. I'm positive he wasn't writing about children, or adolescent, but I think they fit beautifully to describe growing pains.

"My road shrouded in darkness. There is no other road."

"We have very little future, and we have to take care of it ourselves."
click both for big. Sorry for the glare!


  1. Wow really stuning. Gorgeous.

  2. Beautiful work, I love all of your ATC's.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments

  3. Ihania kortteja, jälleen!!

    Haluaisitko sä lähteä koristelemaan mun ens vuoden kalenteriin yhden sivun?
    Blogiini just postasin tuosta...

  4. jätin viestin taitokymppiin, laitan tännekin.
    jos kiinnostaa/mahdollista, olet tervetullut pitämään parin tunnin pajaa omista aiheistasi kympeille. palkkaa ei ole tarjota, materiaalit kylläkin, annos opetuskokemusta ja ihana ryhmä! laita @postia jos olet kiinnostunut!

  5. Nämä kortit sopivat tunnelmaltaan tähän syksyn pimeyteen. Varsinkin tuo ylimmäinen on jollain tavalla hauras.

  6. Your atc's make me think. I like thet. Wonderful work!

  7. Wow you are the queen of atc's alice...I love your work :D

  8. Oh, how I agree with your sentiments about growing old!! I'm quite happy to have a few wrinkles and grey hairs in exchange for the angst of teenage years etc!! Especially when I watch my two teenage sons - gosh, I'm sooooooooo glad I'm past all that... and the competitive twenties... settling in thirties... being 42 ROCKS!!

  9. Ihania kortteja tulee sulta nyt ihan liukuhihnalta :) Kiitos kovasti niistä korteista, jotka postilaatikostani tupsahti - oli kiva yllätys! Käy kurkkaamassa blogistani itsellesi vaihdokit, inspiroiduin niistä lähettämistäsi materiaaleista ja tuli muutamia uusia..

  10. I like your approach to this theme - great result too!

  11. I really like how you looked at this theme! Fabulous!

  12. Oh Alice,they're beautiful
    bettie (
