Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Think outside the Box

There is a great challenge on Think outside the Box. No glue!
Oh, I love my trusty stick of glue as much as the next guy, but I decided to give this challenge a try, anyway.
Not happy. Not happy. I could have gone wild and uninhibited, I know, but this is as far as my faint heart allowed me to go: clips and cross stitching with bronze thread.
No Other Colors
The fish are held with silvery clips, their tails are stitched with a cross stitch, and the straight stitch in the middle holds the text.

Pic clicks for bigger. Thanks for looking!


  1. the bkgrd on this is very intriging, I really like it. Glad you decided to challenge yourself!

  2. Mentiinpäs mukavasti ristiin, laitoin sulle jo flickriin postia, siel on mun yhteystiedot, ja nyt löysin kommenttisi blogistani.


  3. Wonderful work, love your fish.

  4. that's really wonderful!
