Tuesday, March 18, 2008

TMTA / Transparent

I have never understood transparencies. Why use them? Why not stamp directly onto the picture? Could someone please explain!
Anyway, I found myself extremely challenged when TMTA was prodding to use them on this week's art.
This is the result:

Enter in Paris.
On technique:
Black stamping on white paper, blue stamping on a transparency, both glued on top of each other and then on gold (some of it peeking as sky), a 50's lady and a piece of foil (from a dog food package, peeled off real easy!) - voila!

I'm so happy to be challenged! Otherwise I would just stick in my old rut. A huge Thank-You to the folks at TMTA!


  1. Wow this is brilliant. So stunning work.

  2. Deine ATC gefällt mir sehr gut!! Deine Skepsis gegenüber Transparencies kann ich ziemlich gut nachvollziehen. Ich denke es kommt oft darauf an wie man transparente Sachen verwendet. Es kann helfen dem Werk Tiefe zu geben.

  3. beautiful card ! lovely

  4. Lovely ATC - you have done wonderful stuff with your transparency piece.
