Monday, June 1, 2015

Cakes and Promises

The Three Muses challenge this week is about weddings. What is a wedding? A lot of cake, some promises made - we are all playing lottery with our fate! If all goes well you'll grow together. If not - well, there is always the luck of the (next) draw...

Background is fittingly a lottery ticket for Eurojackpot (no, I didn't win). It was treated with some chalky acrylic paint that I stamped while still wet.  hand decorated cake, a ring, a silvery ribbon get you in the mood.
Why such a gloomy take on such a happy occasion you may ask? I don't much like to go with the flow and I never understood giant and lavish weddings (but yes, I am happily married myself).
Also participating in Wicked Wednesdays ATC Challenge with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Well done. I like how you read your thought into the drawing. Carry on!
