Sunday, September 6, 2015

Patchwork Boy / Tilkkupoika

Ompelin paperista tilkkutyön taustapaperiksi. Eräässä haasteessa pyydettiin tilkkutyötä, ja niinpä päätin ommella sellaisen. Paperista. Käytin siihen taas pöydänsuojuspapereita - en raatsi useinkaan heittää niitä pois, joten nyt oli kiva taas ottaa käyttöön. Tätä kuorta oli käytetty jo kummaltakin puolelta, ja kun puolet olivat tietenkin erilaisia, tuli parilla leikkaisulla monenlaista tilkkua.

I have been intrigued by a challenge demanding to see patchwork. Patchwork as a background seems very ambitious - and only now, writing this I realize it would have been far easier to "dress" someone in patchwork paper... ahem, clothing.

But no, I made my own. More paper cutting, more sewing - last week I did some paper sewing for the first time, now I could build on what I had learned.
I cut simple 1" squares from waste paper, the kind that sits on my desk and get smeared with overflow.

I had used this envelope on both sides, so when I cut it up I got very different patches. I glued them on a tissue,  it would be easier to sew.

Sewing added a lot of character:

Leikkasin tuuman kokoisia neliöitä, jostain syystä Fiskarsin paperileikkurissa on tuuman välit. Liimasin ne silkkipaperille ja siksakkasin. Nyt on taas paperia moneen korttiin.

I have now enough for several backgrounds.

The patchwork boy:
I won't give you any explanations.

Sorry for poor quality photos, I will replace them as soon as I have some daylight.
The patchwork boy is entered into
Paperminutes: #398 Patchwork


  1. Tuohan on hieno keksintö ja tulee hienoja pohjia.

  2. Tuota paperia pitää kyllä nähdä livenä! Tuotathan näytille livevaihtoon...

  3. Lovely patchwork layers - the stitching adds great textural interest - and the patchwork boy is adorable.
    Alison xx

  4. Great idea and looks very good. I think I will try it, too. Thanks for taking part in our Paperminutes-Challenge.
