Saturday, January 23, 2016

Butterfly in the Net of Time / Perhonen ajan verkossa

In a world of night and terror the relentless Time has caught this butterfly in its net. The butterfly is stuck and can never escape.

Perhonen räpyttelee ajan verkossa, josta ei ole poispääsyä. - Rauhoitu, pyytää mies,
joka itsekin on joutunut samaan verkkoon. Hänen fyysiset olomuotonsa ovat
vieri vieressä, samassa tilassa, sillä sellainen on Aika. - Carpe noctem, hän sanoo,
tartu yöhön, sillä se on ainoa mikä meillä on.

But there is help. This gentleman - caught in the net of time as well - we can see his shadow self and his everlasting self side by side, he tells the butterfly to calm down and enjoy the moment.

- Carpe noctem, he says. Seize the night, for it is all we have.

Thanks for watching.

1 comment:

  1. So glad the gentleman was there to calm down the poor butterfly! :)
    A beautiful steampunk make! Love it!
    Thank you for sharing it with us at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges!

    Claudia x
