Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring flowers with Josef Frank / kukkia kukkia

Josef Frank was an Austrian architect who later moved to Sweden, designed fabrics there, and whom Swedes now regard as one of their own. I visited an exhibition some time ago and purchased some gorgeous wrapping paper - a reprint of one of his sketches. He worked in watercolor which of course has a luminous quality, you can always see the paper. And he mostly did flowers - though he didn't follow the natural shapes but instead created his own flowers.

Those flowers were my starting point. His colors are 1930's muted. I created backgrounds that highlight the flowers (I hope). The background started off with old book pages. First I applied some texture  with clear gesso through a word stencil. Next came chalk spray in a wonderfully deep and rich turquoise. When it was dry I rubbed in golden ink. This is also a really thick and creamy product, easy to rub in with fingers (like I did).

It's time
Josef Frankin palvonta Ruotsissa yltää kotoisen Marimekon mittasuhteisiin, sillä erotuksella vain, että Frank oli itävaltalainen kun taas Marimekko on ehtaa Suomea. Svenkt Tenn myy Frankin joitakin kankaita. Minulla oli tilaisuus päätä näkemään kankaiden luonnoksia täällä syksyllä pidetyssä näyttelyssä. Frank piirtää enimmäkseen kukkia - mutta ei sellaisia kuin luonnosta löytyy (ehkä tulppaania lukuunottamatta), vaan fantastisia keksittyjä muotoja. Näyttelystä sai ostaa vesiväreillä piirrettyjen mallipiirrosten kopioita lahjapaperin muodossa. Näin niissä hyvää kortteiluainesta, joten muutama kotiutui.
 Pohjat tein kirjansivujen päälle. Ensin levitin läpinäkyvää gessoa tekstuuriksi sapluunan läpi. Seuraavaksi suihkin mistillä ja lopuksi tipautin muutaman tipan kultaista mustetta ja levitin sitä kohopaikkoihin. (Panin nämä linkit siksi, että olen hurjan tyytyväinen näihin, ja hinnat on todella enemmän kuin kohtuulliset.)

Take a risk
I am entering my flower cards into following inspiring challenges:
Emerald Creek: Ring in Spring
Try it on Tuesday: Nature
Our Creative Corner: The Return of the Challenge. I revisited May '15: April Showers bring May flowers
Olen päivittänyt vaihtosivuani... jos ketä kiinnostaa.


  1. Oi että kun taas olet tehnyt upeita!!! Saisinko varata sulta sen "toukasta perhoseksi"? Se on tosi mystinen ja erikoinen ;)

  2. Kauniita ja persoonallisia kortteja. Pidän Frankin tyylistä. Teit hienot taustat kukille.
    Kiitokset osallistumisesta TioT- haasteeseemme.

  3. Although I'm here from Try it on Tuesday, I was caught up in your explanation of who Josef Frank is. I'm sure I've never heard of him, but wanted to learn more, so did an internet search.

    Each of your ATCs has a special meaning and beautiful sentiment. What impressive art you have shared with us.

    1. Josef Frank was indeed one of the early modernist architects. He's done impressive buildings in Vienna, but on a human scale. (Not superhuman like some architecture of our days). I like how he drew and painted, his forms are round and organic.
      Thank you for visiting!

  4. Wonderful are these! Amazing!
    Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday!
    oxo Susi

  5. Beautiful palette and wonderful designs!

  6. A stunning floral project. Thank you for joining us at TioT's this time.

  7. These are definitely bringing spring to mind! You did a beautiful job of highlighting the flowers with your backgrounds. Thank you for sharing with us over at Emerald Creek Dares Challenge!
    Cathy - DT Member at Emerald Creek

  8. Stunning cards. They sure look like the love of spring. Thanks for sharing with us on Emerald Creek Supplies Challenge Blog.

  9. Your ATC's are beautiful! They definitely make me think of spring! Thanks for joining us on the Emerald Creek Dares Blog!
    -Katelyn DT member at Emerald Creek Dares

  10. Wow! What stunning cards! Thank you for the link, which I think I shall return to! So pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  11. Utterly beautiful! Love your fantastic and colourful cards! Thank you for sharing them with us at Emerald Creek Dares!

    Claudia x

  12. Congratulations on your Top Pick at Emerald Creek Dares. Your cards are gorgeous! Hugs!
