Monday, August 28, 2017

Back to normal

It's almost September, for most people the vacation is over and it’s back to real life and regular daily rhythm. For me it marks the end of my summer job, ten days quick study related vacation in Sweden where I intend to visit as many rune stones as I possibly can (as a private geeky enhancement for my curriculum) while possibly shopping for new shoes and finding the perfect pair that would go equally well with slacks and a skirt (so far an elusive expedition) ... a girl can dream.

This means my final semester is starting soon. I feel my mind expanding with each hour and day spent at the uni.

But how did it all begin? As simple as ABC. Learning to read is the prerequisite. It all starts there.

Here's to everyone, big and small, just learning to scribble some letters in kindergarten or making your umpteenth PhD: brain is a wonderful machinery, capable of learning something new up to old old age.

There is a new challenge at UYS / UseYourStuff - it would be lovely to see you participate.

I'll be entering this project into:
Simon Says Wednesday: Back to school
TJK: Kouluun
TagTuesday: Back to school.


  1. Both tags are gorgeous. Enjoy the new start at school and good luck with your studies. Thanks for joining us at TT, hugs, Valerie

  2. Great tags - both are so bright and colorful!!

  3. These are wonderful! Such great images! Very cool designs too!

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  4. Fantastic Tags

    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Upeita molemmat.

    Varasin sinulle Takaisin kouluun 2/2 ja Pinkki-kortit. Olisiko vapaina Perhonen ja Perhesuunnittelua - ne haluaisin

  6. wishing you the best in your travels and in your return to school. your art is inspiring! xo
