Friday, October 30, 2015

The Natural World / Luonto

Parissa haasteessa on aiheena luonto. Tämä peura on katsonut minua pitkään kauniilla silmillään, ja nyt se löysi jonkunlaisen paikkansa. Yllättävää kyllä osoittautuikin, ettei se ei ollutkaan tyytyväinen elämäänsä. Eikö peuran elämä sitten olekaan antoisaa ja ihanaa?

Life seemed very constricted
The leaves are falling. I go walking in the woods on Sunday afternoons. The wood has an earthy smell and the oak trees have narrow leaves, quite  different from home. I made a collage of a deer, a pressed leaf from an Austrian oak tree and paper with some pretty flowers. But the deer seems not quite as happy as one might expect...

Entering this into:
Take a Word: World of Nature
Moo-Mania: Autumn Mood


  1. Amazing! What a lovely collaged ATC! Thank you very much for joining us at Moo Mania & More! Happy weekend to you!

  2. Todella kaunis.
    Hyvää Pyhäinpäivää sinulle.

  3. Beautiful work! Thanks for joining us at Moo Mania and More, Valerie

  4. Poetic and true. I love it Alice! :)
